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How Posting a Job as an Employer Works

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December 10, 2024

This article covers manually posting jobs on CareerOS as an employer.

Posting jobs automatically from your ATS will be available in January of 2025.

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In this article we cover:

  1. How to manually post a job
  2. How to edit a job post
  3. How to archive or publish a job
  4. About the ranking of jobs
  5. About deleting job posts
  6. About targeting your job post

1. How to manually post a job

  • Head to this link to create a job as an employer on CareerOS
  • You can also find the "Create job" button on the top of the job list on the left side of the "My Jobs"-page
  • Fill in all the required fields of the job post input mask
  • For the "Country"-field you need to use the English version of the suggested countries
  • If your job offer is concerning several offices and cities, you can input the cities in the "City"-field like so: "Berlin, Munich, Hamburg"
  • The Application URL should be the link to lead to a page where candidates complete their application, preferably on your career page
  • In the "Job Description"-field you can copy the description from elsewhere on the internet and also add bullets, numbered lists, links and bold text for it to stand out
  • Once you filled all the fields, hit the "Post Job" button to finish the job post
  • Please review the appearance of your job post once you created it - does the description look, like you want it to look? Does the "Apply"-button lead to where it should lead?

Important: You cannot edit your company's general information (headquarter, industry, description, logo etc.) on the job post. For this you need to head to this link. We also have a Help Center article on editing your company's profile here.

(A job after you created it on CareerOS)

2. How to edit a job post

  • Select the job post you want to edit in the list on the left side on the "My Jobs"-page
  • Head to the upper right corner of the job post and hit the "Edit job"-button
  • You will now enter the "Edit Job Details"-page and can modify the post however you like
  • Use the "Cancel"-button to undo your changes and "Save Job"-button to confirm your changes
(Editing the job in the input mask)

3. How to archive or publish a job

  • Jobs can either be "live" or "archived"
  • If a job is live, it can be viewed by the students using CareerOS
  • If it is archived, only you can see the job posting and it will not be shown to new students
  • If a student has saved a job for later and that job is now archived, they can still see the job
  • Per default, when creating a new job post, it will be posted directly to your archive
  • You can change live/archived-status of a job on top of the job post or in the "Edit Job"-page by using the switch
  • You find all your live and archived jobs under the tabs with the same name on the left side of the job list

4. About the ranking of jobs

  • Students cans see the jobs posted directly to employers and also a large number of third-party jobs that we curated accoring to their preferences
  • Students see the jobs posted by employers directly to CareerOS first and then the third-party jobs - within these two buckets, the jobs are ranked by date posted, the most recent one on top
  • This way, your jobs will be always prominently displayed on top of the list of students
  • Jobs posted by employers directly to CareerOS are displayed with a "Verified CareerOS Partner" badge
  • You can only see the jobs you posted, and in this view your jobs are always ranked by the date they were posted, the most recent one on top
(What a student sees on the top of his job feed)

5. About deleting job posts

  • Currently you cannot permanently delete created job posts directly on CareerOS
  • If you wish to delete a certain job post, please reach out to us via this page
  • From January 2025 onwards, you will be able to delete job posts directly in CareerOS

6. About targeting your job post

  • As of today, job posts published on CareerOS get diretly posted to all universities and students using CareerOS
  • From December 2024 onwards, you will be able to target your job posts to specific universities and student populations

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